Men's Health Trust NZ has a strong governance and management leadership group. Collectively we have health, sports, education, technology, communications, media, financial, corporate, community and cross-sector backgrounds on a national and global basis. Together we are passionate about the health and wellbeing of men across New Zealand and feel that our service in this area can better support family and society in general. For more information on our team, click on the linkedin links for everyone...
Tony Mitchell
John Berry
Dr. Tom Varghese
Mark Simiona
Edd Barber
Ryan Marra
Yann Roux
Keven Mealamu
Ina Michael
Executive Director
Boris Mauwa
Financial Controller
Rachael Sutton
Director, Communications
Pulotu Selio Solomon
Director, Partnerships
With our Partners & Providers, Men's Health Trust NZ is able to provide our initiatives and services to men as a free service. When men register, we enlist them as members as we look to build a community of men alongside their families that we support and hope they too will support each other. Our members are men who are committed to improving their health and wellbeing through the initiatives and services we provide. Our members believe that by being better versions of themselves, they will help will be better for their families, their friends, their workplace and the wider community. Here are some testimonies from some of our members.
"Through my journey with Men’s Health Trust NZ and under the guidance of Mateo, I have dropped weight but more importantly and different to other training programmes I have been on, I am physically much stronger and the combination of weight training and conditioning has helped me retain my strength and power for longer periods of time.
I also work as a professional musician in the weekends and gig in evenings, and have noticed considerable changes in my singing ability, also in my energy levels on stage. I also have more energy to spend time with my 3 daughters who are 7, 8 and 11 years of age, instead of always being tired all the time. The Men’s health programme has given me a new lease on life and opportunity to re-focus my health and priorities."
TJ Taotua,
Loving the Journey, I’m on with the boys, and the Men’s Health training Management, I’ll be continuing onto the next Men’s Health programme and encourage a few more boys along.
One thing I encourage my team boys is this saying:
Blessing to everyone,
Much Love to my #Men's Health Trust #T4U and associate groups.
Sione Sione, Member
Truly blessed that i found out about the MENS HEALTH initiative, it was definitely hard at the start but it got easier as we got FITTER and STRONGER, and the camaraderie and laughs amongst the BROTHERHOOD made it that much more enjoyable.
Its amazing how our physical health is attributed to our mental well being.
A BIG THANK YOU to Mateo Vaihu (you the man uce) and your team and all the associated sponsors/organizers of the Men’s Health Program and last but not least, the BROTHERS that made turning up to training week in, week out enjoyable.
Fa Soifua
Greg Whaiapu, Member
We believe in creating opportunities to connect at all levels, so collaborating with providers is no exception. We partner up with providers to support the delivery of our initiatives and services. The following providers are a mix of past and present providers who have contributed to the improving the health & wellbeing of men.
We believe in partnerships and collaborate with like-minded organisation's who like us support and drive Men's Health & Wellbeing in New Zealand and around the world. Our Partners consist of Donors, Sponsors, Philanthropic Organisations, Corporates and Government Agencies who enable Men's Health Trust NZ to provide the initiatives and services to our members.