Alcohol is the most commonly consumed drug in New Zealand, and rates of alcohol consumption are highest in men, with men twice as likely as women to be hazardous drinkers. Long term effects of hazardous drinking may include: increased risk of some cancers, psychiatric problems such as increased rates of depression and major damage to the brain, central nervous system, digestive system, heart and liver.
Dry July is a fundraiser that challenges you to go alcohol-free and at the same time, raise funds for New Zealanders affected by cancer. The funds raised by participants of Dry July will help Look Good Feel Better NZ, PINC & STEEL NZ and Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand improve the comfort, care and wellbeing of people affected by cancer.
That’s something not to drink to!

With the spotlight on going alcohol-free this month, we wanted to grab the opportunity to talk about the risks of alcohol and binge drinking amongst kiwis.
Binge drinking is a form of hazardous drinking which involves consuming more than the recommended guidelines in one sitting, greater than 5 standard drinks in 2 hours on average for men. Binge drinking is the most common, costly and deadly pattern of excessive alcohol use. It can lead to larger amounts of alcohol in the body than can be metabolized and eliminated, often resulting in alcohol poisoning which in some instances can prove fatal.
Alcohol addiction and dependence is another form of hazardous drinking and can be both physical and psychological. Physical dependence occurs when a person's body is used to functioning with alcohol present in the system. While psychological dependence occurs when the need for alcohol surpasses and becomes more important than other activities in a person’s life. Alcohol addiction affects both physical and mental health and can cause serious problems with family,
friends and work. It is characterised by a mental and/or physical need to drink alcohol, often to stave off the symptoms of withdrawal.
Signs and Symptoms
· Repeated alcohol consumption despite related legal and health issues
· Those with alcoholism may begin each day with a drink, feel guilty about their drinking and have the desire to cut down on the amount of drinking
· Mood and personality changes
· Missing work due to drinking the previous night
· Impotence
· Memory loss
· A pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 g/dl or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks in about 2 hours.
Here are some helpful links to more detailed information on Alcoholism